Laser facial rejuvenation: indications and contraindications

The laser rejuvenation of the face

Achievements in the field of cosmetology allow you to challenge to destroy the deadly time. For the conservation of the youth of the skin, there are different methodologies. Among them, the laser resurfacing of the face takes not the last place. Increasingly more women tend to choose to respect the procedures. The impact of laser is completely harmless. In the absence of contraindications, this method allows you to achieve impressive results.

The dignity of treatment of the skin with laser

Laser rejuvenation provides for the processing of the surface of the skin of a stream of light. They disperse and penetrate deep into the tissue. Fall under the impact of the cell will burn. And those that have remained intact are beginning to produce necessary substances, which are a material of construction for the epidermis. Therefore, it accelerates the update.

More than 40 years, for the first time, has used the co2 laser. The device, which works on the carbon dioxide, has been shown to be as effective for combating the defects of the skin, and its analogues are used in beauty salons, and up to the present day. Of course, co2, laser resurfacing for the improvement of the. Possibility to choose the mode of exposure to the skin.

The effectiveness of laser resurfacing is not subject to doubt. The procedure can be considered as a good alternative to the operational engagements. Main advantages:

  1. The short period of rehabilitation. How fast it returns to the skin, depends on the depth of the impact and of the temperature;
  2. The possibility of parallel carry out other cosmetic procedures.
  3. Minimize the risk of side effects;
  4. The session does not take too much of your time. Only between 30 and 40 minutes, and you can continue to deal with the day to day affairs;
  5. The epidermis is not subject to damage. The penetration of the beam into the deeper tissues does not affect the integrity of the first world;
  6. The laser skin rejuvenation does not require frequent repetitions of the procedure. The effect is maintained for a long time.
  7. During exposure to the laser causes no pain;
  8. Process allows not only the face, but also of the area of the neckline. The laser does not lose even the sensitive area around the eyes.

Already after the first time, you will be able to enjoy the result of the procedure. In addition, the state of the skin is improving every day. What is the secret? In reality it is very simple. After laser resurfacing it manages the production of collagen and elastin.

The stimulation of natural mechanisms of the

Facial rejuvenation with laser

Facial rejuvenation with laser it is noteworthy in the sense that it has an influence Russian language in the regenerative resources of the body. The improvement of the condition of the skin occurs by activation of the natural processes. Thanks to this effect, with the time, is not weakened, but, on the contrary, are fully manifested. The maximum effectiveness can be seen after three or four months from the date of the last session.

The deterioration of the appearance of the skin depends directly on the reduction of the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Precisely, these substances are responsible for the turgor of the overlying skin. Has lost elasticity and the elasticity of the skin, quickly covering wrinkles. And if the biological changes are complemented by the negative effects of the external factors, the premature aging of the us has provided.

The laser facial rejuvenation helps to avoid this fate. To make the body regardless of produce the enough amount of the skin of substances, enough 3-5 procedures.

The number of sessions will depend on the initial state of the epidermis. An interim period between visits to the beautician of 3 weeks to a month.

Frequency withstand impacts of laser beam around a year and a half.

The availability of laser skin resurfacing

Financial part of the question can not shake the women who chose to have laser resurfacing of the face, the price at which, as we know, are quite high. The cost of the treatment depends on the part of the area and the degree of negligence of the problems. Also their rates exposes each clinic. The price influences of his team. Sometimes it indicates the price of 1 cm2, sometimes a specific area and, in some cases, consider that the number of outbreaks. Therefore, the exact amount that you can learn to talk personally with the staff of the clinic.

Types of laser therapy

the laser therapy before and after

The depth of impact of the laser can be different. Determine what type of laser resurfacing you want to use in the specific case can only be a specialist. The principle of operation of the appliances of different companies have some differences.

Fractional laser rejuvenation

Directed to a specific part of a beam is performed, the polishing of the skin. The temperature of the exposure is very high. Therefore, the speed of movement of the laser plays an important role. Distracted, cosmetologist can do the burn.

Sometimes, only process the problem areas. This method is ideal for the impact map. Used equipment of different manufacturers.

Biorevitalizatsiya the face with a laser

Using short laser pulses. Technology involves the layout of the special skin of the substance, which must penetrate into the in the process of warming of the surface by the laser.

Under the influence of the temperature, the pores open up. Active ingredients penetrate into the layers of the epidermis, and will carry out its mission. Also, the procedure promotes the removal of heat from the layer. The epidermis is renewed.

Its appearance changes considerably.

Laser resurfacing

The most secure method. The essence of it consists in the moderation and at the same time deep penetration of the laser into the layers of the skin. The fabric is heated, combustion occurs in old cells.

Dead layer is separated, accelerates the process of regeneration. To achieve the effect, you can do with laser resurfacing in the home. It is enough in paris to have the equipment and know the theory of the completion of the procedure.

Non-ablative irradiation of laser

Long laser beams are directed to the face. The treatment will be subject to the entire surface. The intense exposure may cause complications. Therefore, it is a method they use to correct defects, which are very disfigure appearance. To combat the effects of old age it is better to choose the least traumatic way. The most popular of the machine – smooth. Other options – smart and cutera.

What to choose?

how rejuvenating to choose

It is difficult to say which of these types of laser effects better. Each of the techniques effective for in the plan of specific tasks. Therefore, the choice depends on the desired effect.

For example, the laser resurfacing palomar well smoothes wrinkles. And aligns the relief of the skin, eliminates acne, improves color of the face. But this method is not suitable for the solution of the deep folds.

If you choose to Fraxel, it is worth ğsemántica a similar effect. By the way, when the woman tends to get rid of the "crow's feet" Fraxel is the most appropriate method. Give preference to as soft and effects of the penalty due to the increased sensitivity around the eyes. The intense flux of laser beams in this place is unacceptable.

Influences on the state of the skin laser resurfacing. With the help of this method, it is possible to rejuvenate the epidermis, to say goodbye to early wrinkles, cure acne. More of this type of laser, the impact is so simple that you can carry out by himself.

More seriously, the procedure is the smooth rejuvenation. Similar impact is recommended in these cases:

  • deep wrinkles;
  • chemical burns;
  • the remaining after an injury scars;
  • never-ending acne.

In addition to these species, in the beauty salon can offer the photo-rejuvenation. The sessions of exposure luminous flux help to return the skin elasticity, so that it is flexible and soft.

Indications and contraindications

The laser resurfacing recommended in these cases:

  • expression lines and dynamic wrinkles;
  • the signs of age changes in the face;
  • grayish or yellowish skin;
  • age spots;
  • pores;
  • the traces after rashes;
  • the bags under the eyes;
  • stretch marks on the skin;
  • has fallen off the skin by the outline of the face.

Despite the safety of laser impact method has a number of contraindications. Them concern:

  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • the inflammation in the places that have to be handled;
  • diseases of the skin (dermatitis by contact, psoriasis);
  • the herpes virus;
  • the cancer education;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • low immunity.
  • the cardiovascular disease;
  • problems of blood clotting;
  • hypertension
  • the presence of scars in the skin;
  • recently held chemical peel;
  • the tan fresh.

If you do not take into account the restrictions, the procedure will not only have a very small effect. It can cause severe complications. Therefore, about the health problems must inform the esthetician during the consultation.

Perhaps a specialist to pick up another method of rejuvenation, which will not be for you personally is contraindicated. In the case of temporal causes, obliged to renounce the sessions, it pays to have a little bit of the beach patience.

Leave the visit to the clinic until the time most of the favorable circumstances.

Is it worth it to fear side effects?

The laser rejuvenation until after

Any exposure to the skin can bring unpleasant consequences. The laser resurfacing is no exception. Sometimes, after the procedures are possible:

  • peeling of the skin;
  • the burn;
  • light itching;
  • the sensation of pain;
  • the swelling;
  • redness;
  • age spots;
  • a crust on the surface;
  • scars;
  • the herpes cold sores.

Such manifestations, like scars, scars, spots, pigmentation very little. Also the activation of the herpes virus occurs in isolated cases. The rest of the negative effects quickly pass. Red spots soon turn, peeling out, is cancelled, the itching will no longer bother you. After the discomfort of several days, you can enjoy received the effect of long months.

Similar side effects it can cause and photo-rejuvenation. The essence of the procedures has a lot to do. Sometimes women can't make a decision. As Fraxel and photo-rejuvenation are similar not only unpleasant consequences, but they promise almost the same result.

The laser or light beams to choose?

Fractions of impact, such as photo-rejuvenation is performed with the help of a special device. Many women wonder which is the better of these two methods? In the first and in the second case, the exposure of the skin is made of light energy. But the criteria for the comparison of all:

  1. The impact of laser has a most potent effect on regenerative processes, the flow of the rays of light.
  2. To achieve the performance required in several more sessions, if the client chose to photo-rejuvenation.
  3. After the laser treatment, the effect is maintained for a longer time.
  4. Laser impact hurt the epidermis to a greater degree.
  5. When used Fraxel treatment, the recovery period lasts for a longer time.

Select the method of rejuvenation of the punishment in the form of individual. Therefore, it cannot be said that the laser is the best option, and photo-rejuvenation is not as effective for. The visible result will be after each of the procedures.

How to fight with the problem, with the that directs the client in the clinic, they have to solve the cosmetologists. Sometimes it is enough to stop at one of the methods, and sometimes requires a comprehensive approach.

In any case, if you set out to rejuvenate the face of modern cosmetology to do this, there are appropriate ways. Laser technology are not in place. Are being developed every day.

Who knows, perhaps in the near future, the sessions will not have contraindications? And then the visit to clinics of aesthetic medicine will be common to all women over the age of 25 years.

Since neither speaks, and the beauty for the weaker sex has been and always will be the first place.